What the heck are we gonna brew?

I think what drew me to brewing is how expansive it is, yet how simple it is at the same time. In the broadest sense, brewing is just converting starch to sugar, then feeding that sugar to yeast. Sprinkle in some hops along the way and boom. It’s magic. It’s truly a simple concept, but the execution of that concept on a large scale is incredibly complex. Ideal heat ranges for specific sugar extractions, the bio-complexities of hop chemistry, yeast health, lab work, it all gets very complex. A brewer wears many hats but the reality is that they are a manufacturing plant engineer at the end of the day. Sure, there is loads of artistry and craftsmanship in making good beer, but there is also plenty of in-depth scientific theory involved.

I think that any brewer that calls themselves a “Brewmaster” is kidding themselves. Even the most accomplished of brewers both formally educated and not, could never fully master the craft in my mind. I think the concept of continual and never-ending growth is extremely important to the authenticity of the craft. There’s a Japanese concept called Shoshin which can be directly applied to everything in life. It roughly means, “The Beginners Mind.” In practice, this means always recognizing the value of remaining a student of your craft in order to grow. That concept is central to my brewing philosophy and I hope it is translated in the beers we make.

There is no denying that craft beer is an ever-growing and evolving industry. Beers that at one time were the most sold across the country have changed, new styles have emerged, and consumer interests have changed. That is a good thing for the industry, and a brewery should aim to reflect that evolution in the beers they make.

At Humble Roots, we have built evolution into our model. I love to brew new things, introduce interesting flavors, and make people excited about new things to try. We will challenge ourselves to shy away from the idea of mainstay beers. Yes, we will still have a few beers that we always brew, and can act as roots of familiarity for our consumers but my goal is never to be the place you go to drink the same beer every time you come in.

I am extremely passionate about new age hoppy beers. The nuance, complexity and depth of what hops can do for a beer are exciting to me. Gone are the days of extremely bitter and piney IPA’s…Enter a new creature altogether…Call it Hazy, call it New England, call it whatever you want but you can’t deny the unique flavors that come from new age IPA’s. These beers have a subtle malt backbone, coupled with a pillowy soft mouthfeel and flavors of citrus or peach or any combination of fruit medley you can imagine. The combinations of flavors are endless and at Humble Roots we guarantee you will find a wide array of these beers on tap.


The world of sour beers is vast. It’s easy to get excited about sour beers. Whether it’s a delicate sour wheat beer aged in wine barrels, or a kettle soured blonde fermented on peaches and apricots, there is a sour for everyone. At Humble Roots, we love sour beers and plan to offer an array of them. I love experimenting with fruits and what they add to a beer.

Stouts are where it all started for me in the craft beer world. I remember vividly the first time I had my first Samuel Smith Organic Chocolate Stout. The idea of integrating sweet treats into beer opened up a world of possibilities. During my time at Midnite Mine Brewing Company, we developed a splendid series of adjunct stouts that we dubbed, “Confection Stouts.” All of which were inspired by things you may find in your grandma’s pantry. We’ve played with versions that include: S’mores, Coconut, Chocolate, Samoas, Nutella, Peanut Butter, and just about anything that your mom would be mad at you eating a lot of when you were a kid. Expect this series to continue, along with its barrel aged cousin called At Odds-an imperial version of our Confection Stout that rests in bourbon barrels for an extensive amount of time to further add to the complexities of these beers.


We are excited to play with new flavors and create beers that challenge the perceptions of what beer can be. While we have lofty ambitions for making some off the wall beers, we aim to have something for everyone. The promise I make to you is that we will remain students of our craft, and never stop learning ways to make our beer better.


Tearing down walls-Emotionally and physically


Here we go…